
HTTPS and HTTP imports#

Stability: 1 - Experimental

Importing network based modules using https: and http: is supported under the --experimental-network-imports flag. This allows web browser-like imports to work in Node.js with a few differences due to application stability and security concerns that are different when running in a privileged environment instead of a browser sandbox.

Imports are limited to HTTP/1#

Automatic protocol negotiation for HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 is not yet supported.

HTTP is limited to loopback addresses#

http: is vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks and is not allowed to be used for addresses outside of the IPv4 address ( to and the IPv6 address ::1. Support for http: is intended to be used for local development.

Authentication is never sent to the destination server.#

Authorization, Cookie, and Proxy-Authorization headers are not sent to the server. Avoid including user info in parts of imported URLs. A security model for safely using these on the server is being worked on.

CORS is never checked on the destination server#

CORS is designed to allow a server to limit the consumers of an API to a specific set of hosts. This is not supported as it does not make sense for a server-based implementation.

Cannot load non-network dependencies#

These modules cannot access other modules that are not over http: or https:. To still access local modules while avoiding the security concern, pass in references to the local dependencies:

// file.mjs
import worker_threads from "node:worker_threads";
import { configure, resize } from "https://example.com/imagelib.mjs";
configure({ worker_threads });

// https://example.com/imagelib.mjs
let worker_threads;
export function configure(opts) {
  worker_threads = opts.worker_threads;
export function resize(img, size) {
  // Perform resizing in worker_thread to avoid main thread blocking

Network-based loading is not enabled by default#

For now, the --experimental-network-imports flag is required to enable loading resources over http: or https:. In the future, a different mechanism will be used to enforce this. Opt-in is required to prevent transitive dependencies inadvertently using potentially mutable state that could affect reliability of Node.js applications.