Subclass gm
来启用 ImageMagick
var fs = require('fs') , gm = require('gm').subClass({imageMagick: true}); // resize and remove EXIF profile data gm('/path/to/my/img.jpg') .resize(240, 240) ...
We have compatibility with ImageMagick too. Just subclass the gm constructor passing the imageMagick option.
var imageMagick = gm.subClass({ imageMagick: true });
imageMagick("img.png").autoOrient().write('/path', callback);
Unlike GraphicsMagick, ImageMagick supports the WebP format. However, you must compile ImageMagick with the WebP option. To do so on OS X, install ImageMagick with the following command using Homebrew:
brew install imagemagick --with-webp If you have already installed ImageMagick, you would have to uninstall it then reinstall it.